Figure 1-1. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723D/U.Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-255-140009Section Il. DESCRIPTION AND DATATable 11. Differences Between Models'Chapter 2. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT AND INSTALLATIONFigure 2-1. Packaging of Spectrum Analyzer TS-723(*)/U.Figure 2-2. Tube locations, Spectrum Analyzer TS-729(*)/U.Chapter 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 3-2. Front panel controls and indicators, Spectrum Analyzers TS-723B/U, TS-723C/U, and TS-723D/U.Table 3-1. Operator Controls and IndicatorsSection Il. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSTable 3-2. Typical DB Distortion MeasurementsFigure 3-4. Impedance correction chart.Section Ill. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSChapter 4. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CleaningChapter 5. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection IV. ORGANIZATIONAL TROUBLESHOOTINGFigure 5-1. Lubrication of Spectrum Analyzer TS-723(*)/U.Chapter 6. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENTPreamplifier CircuitFigure 6-1. Block diagram, Spectrum Analyzer TS-723 (*)/U.Figure 6-2. Preamplifier circuits, simplified schematic diagram.Figure 6-3. Bridge circuit, simplified schematic diagram.Figure 6-6. Phase shift characteristics of bridge.Bridge Amplifier CircuitVoltage Divider CircuitVoltage Amplifier and Meter CircuitFigure 6-11. Meter rectifier circuit, Spectrum Analyzer TS-723D/U.Power Supply CircuitFigure 6-12. Power supply circuit, simplified schematic diagram.Figure 6-13. 115V-230V changeover switch (TS-723C/U and TS-723D/U), partial schematic diagram.Chapter 7. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCETable 72. Voltage MeasurementsFigure 7-2. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723B/U, TS-723C/U, and TS-723D/U chassis, top view, location of parts.Figure 7-3. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723A/U chassis, bottom view, location of parts,Figure 7-4. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723B/U chassis, bottom view, location of parts.Figure 7-5. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723C/U and TS-723D/U chassis, bottom view, location of parts.Figure 76. B+ voltage distribution.Figure 77. Tube socket voltage and resistance diagram.Table 7-4. Troubleshooting ChartSECTION III. MAINTENANCE OF SPECTRUM ANALYZERFigure 78. Terminal board voltage and resistance diagram.Figure 79. Replacing capacitor drive cablesReassembly.Adjustment of Regulated B + VoltageFigure 7-10. Capacitor drive assembly, exploded view.Alignment of Vtvm SectionAdjustment o f Preamplifier - Bridge Amplifier GainCalibrating Wien Bridge CircuitSection IV. GENERAL SUPPORT TESTING PROCEDURESModification Work OrdersFigure 7-11. 225V supply regulation test setup.Table 7-7. 225- Volt Supply Regulation TestFigure 712. Internal amplifier gain test setup.Internal Amplifier Gain TestTable 7-8. Internal Amplifier Gain TestFigure 7-13. Voltmeter calibration test setup.Voltmeter Calibration TestTable 7-9. Voltmeter Calibration Test Control settingsFigure 714. Noise, set level, and frequency response test setup.Noise, Set Level, and Frequency Response TestTable 7-10. Noise, Set Level, and Frequency Response TestFigure 7-15. Dial calibration test setup.Dial Calibration TestTable 7-11. Dial Calibration TestTable 7-11. Dial Calibration Test - continuedFigure 7-16. Second harmonic attenuation test setup.Second Harmonic Attenuation TestTable 7-12. Second Harmonic Attenuation TestFigure 7-17. Oscilloscope output test setup.Oscilloscope Output TestTable 713. Oscilloscope Output TestFigure 718. Distortion test setup.Distortion TestTable 714 Distortion TestAppendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-255-140089Appendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-255-140091Tool and Test Equipment Requirements (Table 1)Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTTable I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSFigure FO-1. Color code markings for MIL-STD resistors, capacitors, and inductorsFigure FO-2. Schematic diagram, spectrum analyzer. TS-723A/UFigure FO-3. Schematic diagram, Spectrum Analyzers TS-732B/U, TS-723C/U, and TS-732D/UFigure FO-4. Wiring Diagram, spectrum analyzer. TS-723A/UFigure FO-5. Wiring diagram, Spectrum Analyzers TS-732B/U, TS-723C/U, and TS-732D/UTM-11-6625-255-14 - index