TM 11-6625-255-14/TO 33A1-13-170-1
C-4. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements
"worktime" figures will be shown for each cate-
(Table 1)
gory. The number of man-hours specified by the
"worktime" figure represents the average time
a. Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code.
required to restore an item (assembly, sub-
The numbers in this column coincide with the
assembly, component, module, end item or sys-
numbers used in the tools and equipment column
tem) to a serviceable condition under typical field
of the MAC. The numbers indicate the applicable
operating conditions. This time includes prepara-
tool or test equipment for the maintenance func-
tion time, troubleshooting time and quality as-
surance/quality control time in addition to the
b. Maintenance Category. The codes in this
time required to perform the specific tasks identi-
column indicate the maintenance category al-
fied for the maintenance functions authorized in
located the tool or test equipment.
the maintenance allocation chart. Subcolumns of
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the noun
column 4 are as follows:
name and nomenclature of the tools and test
equipment required to perform the maintenance
C Operator/crew
O Organizational
F Direct support
d. National/NATO Stock Number. This col-
H General support
umn lists the National/NATO stock number of
D Depot
the specific tool or test equipment.
e. Tool Number. This column lists the manu-
e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment, Column 5
specifies by code, those common tool sets (not
facturer's part number of the tool followed by the
individual tools) and special tools, test, and sup-
Federal supply code for manufacturers (5-digit) in
port equipment required to perform the desig-
nated function.