SPECTRUM ANALYZER (TEKTRONIX, INC. MODEL 491)Fig. 1-1. The Type 491 Spectrum Analyzer.Section I. CHARACTERISTICSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTIME BASEENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICSSection II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSpectrum Analyzer TermsOptimum resolutionTime Base ControlsFig. 2-4. Front panel controls and connectors.Rear PanelGENERAL OPERATING INFORMATIONTrace AlignmentFig. 2-7. Changing band C Coaxial Mixer to Wave Guide Adapter,Mixer PeakingFig. 2-9. Frequency spectrum of a pulsed cw signal.Video Filter OperationTriggering the SweepRF Center Frequency TuningFig. 2-16. Typical LOCK CHECK displaysFigure 2-17. Control Setup ChartSpectrum of Amplitude ModulationFrequency Modulated Signal SpectrumIdentification and Frequency Measurement of Displayed SignalsFig. 2-22. Pulse shaping effects on the pulse spectrum.Relative Amplitude MeasurementsFrequency StabilityFrequency Modulated SpectrumMeasurements of Pulse Modulated RF SignalsSection 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONFigure 3-1. Function Block diagram of the Type 49.1Phase Lock CircuitFig. 3-3. Phase lock block diagram.Sweeper CircuitFig. 3-5. Block diagram of sweeper circuits.Fig. 3-7. Frequency vs Voltage curves for kHz/DIV discriminator circuitWide Band (1 50-250 MHz) Amplifier and Second MixerFig. 3-8. Crystal variable resolution filter.Fig. 3-10. Block diagram of the video detector and vertical amplifier.Variable Resolution AmplifierTrigger Generator, Sweep Generator and Horizontal AmplifierCRT and Blanking Circuit - TM-9-6625-2467-150045Low Voltage Power SupplyLow Voltage Power Supply - continuedSection IV. MAINTENANCEVisual InspectionResistor Color CodeRemoving the Honeycomb AssemblyFig. 4-4. Power Supply Circuit board assembly with wiring color code.Fig. 4-5. Horizontal Display circuit board assembly showing color code to pin connectors.Fig. 4-6. IF Control board assembly. Wiring color code to pin connector.Cathode-Ray Tube ReplacementFig. 4-9. Phase lock assembly and wiring color code to the pin connector.Fig. 4-12. Removing the CRT assembly,Removing the SOURCE, SLOPE switch and LEVEL controlFig. 4-15. Removing the Phase Lock assembly.Fig. 4-16. Removing the phase-lock assembly board.Component ReplacementReplacing Components on the Circuit BoardsFig. 4-20A. Tube subassembly removal procedure.Fig. 4-20B. Tube subassembly installation procedure.Replacing Components on Metal TerminalsTransistor Substitution and ReplacementFig. 4-22. Power supply board assembly with component call out.Fig. 4-23 Vertical Amplifier and Blanking board assembly with component call out.Fig. 4-24. IF control board assembly with component call out. - TM-9-6625-2467-150070Fig. 4-24. IF control board assembly with component call out. - TM-9-6625-2467-150071Fig. 4-25. Horizontal display board with component call out. - TM-9-6625-2467-150072Fig. 4-25. Horizontal display board with component call out. - TM-9-6625-2467-150073Fig. 4-26. Phase lock board with component call out.Section 5. PERFORMANCE CHECKPERFORMANCE CHECK PROCEDURECheck Saw Out Signal Amplitude - TM-9-6625-2467-150077Check Internal TriggeringFig. 5-2. Measuring dispersion accuracy.Check Dispersion Accuracy of kHz/div SelectionsCheck Internal Reference FrequencyCheck Accuracy of IF ATTENUATOR dB SelectorsCheck INTENSIFIER Control RangeCheck RF Center Frequency Calibration, System Sensitivity and Phase Lock OperationFig. 5-7. Signal to noise ratio for measuring sensitivity.Fig. 5-8. Harmonic frequency markers used to check dial accuracy.Check Amplitude of Spurious Signals from Internal SourcesSection 6. CALIBRATIONFig. 6-1. Test equipment recommended for calibration of the Type 491.Fig. 6-2. Test equipment recommended to measure theFig. 6-3. Recommended adjustment tools.CALIBRATION RECORD AND INDEXCALIBRATION RECORD AND INDEX - continuedCALIBRATION PROCEDUREFig. 6-4. Equipment setup for adjusting and checking the low and high voltage power supplies.Fig. 6-5. Location of the low voltage check points.Adjust Intensity RangeAdjust Trace AlignmentFig. 6-9. Test equipment setup for adjusting Vertical Amplifier Gain.Test OscilloscopeAdjust Trigger Level CenteringCheck External TriggeringCheck line TriggeringFig. 6-14. Equipment setup to check and adjust sweep circuits, Steps 12 through 20.Check SAW OUT Signal Amplitude - TM-9-6625-2467-150106Adjust Center Frequency RangeFig. 6-19. Test equipment setup to adjust and check dispersion accuracy.Fig. 6-20, Measuring dispersion accuracy.Fig. 6-22. Dispersion calibration adjustments.Fig. 6-23. Test equipment setup to adjust IF amplifier and the resolution bandwidth.Fig. 6-24. Location of narrow band IF amplifier adjustments.Fig. 6-27. Location of C504 and C508.Fig. 6-29. Test equipment setup to adjust and check kHz/DIV dispersion accuracy.Fig. 6-30. Adjustments for the kHz/DIV discriminator.Fig. 6-31. Typical displays when checking or adjusting kHz/DIVFig. 4-32. Test equipment setup to check or adjust the phase lock circuit.Fig. 6-33. Adjusting avalanche voltage.Adjust Band C Balance then Band A and B BalanceFig. 6-35. Test equipment setup to check dynamic range, IF GAIN control range, IF ATTENUATOR dB accuracy RECORDER signal out amplitude and incidental FM.Check Dynamic Range of Vertical Display ModesFig. 6-36. Typical Video Filter integrated display of 200 MHz RFCheck Incidental Frequency ModulationFig. 6-38. Equipment setup to adjust wide band IF amplifier and check flatness.Fig. 6-39. Wide band IF and Mixer tuning adjustments.Adjust the Wide Band Amplifier Response and Check the System Response FlatnessFig. 6-40. Equipment setup to check internal spurious responses.Adjust Band A Mixer Balance--Check Amplitude of Spurious Signals from Internal SourcesFig. 6-42. Typical equipment setup to check response flatness, sensitivity, frequency calibration and phase lock operation for band C.Fig. 6-44. Signal to noise ratio for measuring sensitivity.Alternate Procedure to Check Dial Accuracy, Oscillator Mixer `Operation and Effectiveness of Local Oscillator Phase LockFig. 6- 45. Alternate equipment setup that will check dial accuracy, mixer and oscillator operation, and LO phase lock effectiveness.Fig. 6-47. Harmonic frequency markers used to check dial accuracy.ig. 6-47. Local oscillator assembly showing Voltage and signal connections.Fig. 6-49. Local oscillator assembly showing drive shaft coupling and tuning adjustments.Fig. 6-49. Band C Assembly Alignment Diagram.ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOR BAND C OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLYPARTS LIST ABBREVIATIONSSPECIAL NOTES AND SYMBOLSSection 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - TM-9-6625-2467-150141Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - TM-9-6625-2467-150142Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150143Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150144Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150145Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150146Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150147Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150148Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150149Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150150Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150151Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150152Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150153Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150154Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150155Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150156Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150157Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150158Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150159Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150160Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150161Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150162Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150163Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150164Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150165Section 7. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150166FIGURE AND INDEX NUMBERSINDEX OR MECHANICAL PARTS LIST ILLUSTRATIONSSection 8. MECHANICAL PARTS LISTFIG. 1 FRONT (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150170FIG. 1 FRONT (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150171FIG. 1 FRONT (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150172FIG. 2 REARFIG. 2 REAR (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150174FIG. 2 REAR (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150175FIG. 3 IF CHASSIS & PHASE LOCK ASSEMBLIES - TM-9-6625-2467-150176FIG. 3 IF CHASSIS & PHASE LOCK ASSEMBLIES - TM-9-6625-2467-150177FIG. 3 IF CHASSIS & PHASE LOCK ASSEMBLIES - TM-9-6625-2467-150178FIG. 3 IF CHASSIS & PHASE LOCK ASSEMBLIES (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150179FIG. 1 FRONT (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150180FIG. 3 IF CHASSIS & PHASE LOCK ASSEMBLIES (cont) - TM-9-6625-2467-150181FIG. 4 POWER CHASSIS - TM-9-6625-2467-150182FIG. 4 POWER CHASSIS - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150183FIG. 4 POWER CHASSIS - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150184FIG. 5 TiME/DIV SWITCH & OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLIES - TM-9-6625-2467-150185FIG. 5 TiME/DIV SWITCH & OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLIES - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150186FIG. 5 TiME/DIV SWITCH & OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLIES - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150187FIG. 5 TiME/DIV SWITCH & OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLIES - continued - TM-9-6625-2467-150188FIG. 6 CRT SHIELD ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6625-2467-150189FIG. 7 CABINET ASSEMBLY AND HANDLEAppendix A. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAppendix B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTOverhaulSection II. Maintenance AssignmentAppendix C. REPAIR PARTS LISTTable C-1. Repair Parts ListSection 9. DIAGRAMS MECHANICAL PARTS LIST ILLUSTRATIONS ACCESSORIESImportantSchematic CorrectionWide Band AmplifierIF attenuatorNarrow Band AmplifierVideo Detector and Vertical AmplifierTiming SwitchPower SupplyPower DistributionCRT and Blanking Circuit - TM-9-6625-2467-150216Spectrum Analyzer - TM-9-6625-2467-150217Spectrum Analyzer - TM-9-6625-2467-150218Spectrum Analyzer - TM-9-6625-2467-150219FIG. 4 POWER CHASSIS - TM-9-6625-2467-150220FIG. 5 TIME/DIV SWITCH & OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLIES - TM-9-6625-2467-150221FIG. 6 CRT SHIELD ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6625-2467-150222FIG. 7 CABINET ASSEMBLY & HANDLEFIG. 8 491 STANDARD ACCESSORIESTM-9-6625-2467-15 - index