TM 11-6625-255-14/TO 33A1-13-170-1
Table 3-1. Operator Controls and Indicators Continued
Control, indicator, or fuse
Used to measure ac signal
nal is c o n n e c t e d to
METER binding post.
Adjust equipment in conjunction with DISTORTION posi-
BALANCE control.
tion of function switch.
HUM BAL control.
Selects proper range scale in dB, dBm, percentage, or rms
Meter range switch.
values for meter. Each setting of switch represents full-
scale deflection of meter equivalent to designation of posi-
Shows measurements by needle deflection on designated scale
Meter indicator.
when used with meter range switch.
Protects equipment from line surges, or application or wrong
1.6 AMP fuse.
Protects equipment when internal short circuit occurs.
.15 AMP fuse.
Changes transformer T1 input connections for 115V or 250V
115-230V switch (TS-723C/U and TC-723C/U).
Figure 3-3. Rear panels, Spectrum Analyzer TS-723( )/U