TM 11-6625-255-14/TO 33A1131701
1900, 1950, 2000, 2050, a n d 2 1 0 0 .
QUENCY tuning dial window. Attach the capaci-
tor drive assembly to the front panel (para
k. Set the frequency RANGE switch to X1.
7-12 b). Replace the two
l. Repeat the procedure given in h, i, a n d j
control knobs.
above starting with the signal generator set to 20
b. Set the BALANCE control to its midrange
Hz. The mark on the dial made for 200 Hz should
be in line with the edge of the notched metal plate.
c. Set the frequency RANGE switch to X10.
Set the signal generator to 100 Hz and check to
d. S e t t h e A F - R F s e l e c t o r s w i t c h t o A F
see that the scribed line made at 1,000 Hz lines up
w i t h the notched metal plate. Set the signal
e. Set the meter range switch to +20 DB.
generator for 200 Hz and see that the scribed line
f. Set the function switch to DISTORTION.
made at 2,000 Hz lines up with the notched metal
g. Adjust the signal generator at 1,000 Hz.
Check the signal generator output with the
m. Set the frequency RANGE switch to X100.
frequency counter. Connect the signal generator
n. Repeat j above with the signal generator set
to the AF INPUT binding posts. Adjust the
at 2,000, 10,000, and 20,000 Hz, in turn.
signal generator output for a reading of exactly
+20 dB on spectrum analyzer meter.
h. A d j u s t t h e F R E Q U E N C Y t u n i n g c o n t r o l
If there is more than 1/64-inch
knobs to obtain a meter indication of zero on the
difference in the position of the scribe
top meter scale. Decrease the meter range switch
lines for the three settings of the
s e t t i n g to -30 DB. Adjust the FREQUENCY
frequency RANGE switch, calibrate the
t u n i n g and the BALANCE control knobs to
obtain the maximum left-hand meter deflection of
7-18 and repeat b through n a b o v e .
the meter pointer. The meter pointer must deflect.
o. Remove the FREQUENCY tuning dial and
left of -10 DECIBELS (equivalent to 60 dB down
n o t c h e d metal plate from the capacitor drive
from the original +20 DB reference setting).
mechanism and engrave the markings; use the old
i. When the best possible meter null indication
d i a l as a pattern. Engrave numbers as follows:
has been obtained, scribe a mark on the face of the
2 0 for 20,000 Hz; or 2,000 Hz; 22 for
notched metal plate. Write 100 above this scribed
2 2 , 2 2 0 , or 2,200 Hz; 25 for 25,250, or
2,500 Hz; 30 for 30,300, or 3,000 Hz; 35
j. Adjust the signal generator for each of the
for 35,500, or 3,500 Hz; 40 for 40,400, or
following frequencies, each time adjusting for a
4,000 Hz; 50 for 50,500 or 5,000 Hz; 60 for
meter null indication as described in h above and
60,600 or 6,000 Hz; 70 for 70,700, or 7,000
scribing the dial as described in i a b o v e :
Hz; 80 for 80,800, or 8,000 Hz; 100 for
100, 1,000, or 10,000 Hz; 130 for 130,
190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230,
1,300, or 13,000 Hz; 160 for 160, 1,600, or
235,240,245,250,255, 260, 265,270, 275,
1 6 , 0 0 0 Hz; and 200 for 200, 2,000, or
280,285,290,295,300, 310, 320,330, 340,
20,000 Hz.
350,360,370,380,390, 400, 410,420, 430,
p. After engraving, black-anodize or paint the
440, 450, 460, 470,480, 490, 500, 520, 540,
dial with black enamel and fill the letters with
560, 580,600,620,640, 660, 680, 700, 720,
white lead.
740, 760,800,820,840, 860, 880,900, 920,
q. R e i n s t a l l t h e c o m p l e t e d F R E Q U E N C Y
940, 960, 980, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150,
tuning dial and adjust as described in paragraph
1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450, 1500,
1550, 1600, 1650, 1700, 1750, 1800, 1850,
table, before preceding to the tabular proce-
7 2 1 . General
a. These testing procedures have been pre-
dures. Perform each step in sequence. For each
step, perform all actions required in the Control
pared for use by electronics field maintenance
shops and electronic service organizations, to
settings columns; then perform each specific pro-
determine the acceptability of repaired equip-
c e d u r e , and verify it against its performance
ment. These procedures set forth specific require-
ments that repaired equipment must meet before
c. Tools and test equipment required for main-
it is returned to the using organization.
tenance at the general support level are found in
b. Follow the instructions given before each