TM 11-6625-2781-14&P-2
Section I
probe power jack on the front panel of the 8553B
supplies power for the probe's amplifier. The probe's
gain is 1: 1, flat to +0.5 dB across the full range to 110
1-14. The 8553B RF Section must be mated with an
MHz, and does not affect the analyzer's absolute
8552A or 8552B IF Section and one of the 140 series
amplitude calibration.
Display Sections before the units can perform as a
spectrum analyzer.
1-21. The 8447A Amplifier provides 20 dB of gain, flat
0.5 dB to 400 MHz, maintaining the' analyzer's
The 8552A IF Section features calibrated
absolute amplitude calibration. It has noise figure of 5
dB and can be used to improve the sensitivity of the
calibrated scan times. The 8552B IF Section has all of
analyzer by 16 dB.
the features of the 8552A and, in addition, manual scan,
greater frequency stability, narrower bandwidths, and an
1-22. The 8721A Directional Bridge can be used to
expanded log scale (2 dB per division).
make swept VSWR measurements with the
analyzer/tracking generator combination.
The 140S and 140T Display Sections are
equipped with a fixed persistence, non-storage CRT; the
141S and 141T Display Sections are equipped with a
directly to the analyzer's CRT bezel and can be used to
variable persistence, storage CRT. The 143S Display
permanently record any signal displayed on the CRT
Section has a large screen (8 x 10 inch) CRT. Overlays
are available for the standard 140A and 141A
graticule scales.
equipment accessories required to test, adjust and
repair the 8553B.
1-18. The instruments listed below can be used to
expand the analyzer's measurement capability. The
brief descriptions list some of the features and
applications of each instrument. For more information,
1-27. The HP 8553B Spectrum Analyzer RF Section is
contact your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service
warranted and certified as indicated on the inner first
1-19. The 8443A Tracking Generator/Counter is a
companion instrument to the 8553B/8552 Spectrum
Analyzer. The tracking generator provides a CW signal
that precisely tracks the analyzer's tuning frequency.
The signal's amplitude is calibrated and can be set, in
0.1 dB increments, from +10 dBm to less than -120
dBm. The counter section of the 8443A applies a
marker to the analyzer's CRT and counts the frequency
at the marker. The marker can be positioned to
measure the frequency, within 10 Hz, of any signal
being displayed. The 8443B Tracking Generator is the
tracking-generator-only version of the 8443A.
1-20. The 1121A Active Probe may be used to make
measurements on sensitive circuits without loading.
Figure 1-2. Instrument Identification