TM 9-6625-1753-14
(f) Set the locking lever to the left to unlock the DELAY VERNIER control and dial. Move the brightened portion
(1) Set the TIME DIV vernier control to CAL.
of the trace to the right or left by rotating the DELAY VERNIER control. The dial setting is the horizontal distance in graticule
(2) Measure the horizontal distance in graticule divisions between the two points on the displayed waveform whose
divisions from the start of the trace to the start of the brightened portion. Read whole numbers of graticule divisions in the
time interval you wish to find.
window at the top of the dial, fractions of divisions to .02 on the dial face. Move the locking lever to the right to lock the
(3) Multiply the horizontal dimension found in step (2) by the setting on the TIME/DIV switch to obtain the time
DELAY VERNIER control and dial.
(2) Triggered-delayed operation. When the DISPLAY LOGIC switch is set to TRIG-DLY'D, the brightened section of
b. Repetition Rate of Frequency Using Scale Divisions.
the display is expanded to full scale. The ratio of the normal sweep rate to the delayed sweep rate determines the amount of
(1) Measure the horizontal distance in graticule divisions of one complete cycle of the display. (This includes both
horizontal expansion or magnification. The magnification ratio can be expressed as the normal sweep rate (TIME DIV)
positive and negative portions for an ac signal.)
divided by the delayed sweep rate (TIME/DIV). For example, assume the normal sweep rate is set to 1 millisecond, and the
(2) Multiply the horiz ontal dimension found in step (1) by the setting on the TIME/DIV switch.
(3) Take the reciprocal of the product obtained in step (2)(that is, divide it into one). The result is the frequency or
delayed sweep rate is set to 1 sec. The brightened portion of the sweep is therefore magnified horizontally 1,000 times. To
repetition rate in cycles per second on the display:
operate in the triggered-delayed mode:
(a) Display the entire waveform with the brightened portion (strobe) as described in ( 1 ) above.
(b) Using the DELAYED SWEEP-PULL TO UNLOCK switch and the DELAY VERNIER control, adjust the length
of the brightened Portion of the delayed sweep, and select the portion of the normal sweep waveform you wish to observe.
Cycles/second =
(c) Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to TRIG-DLY'D. The brightened portion (delayed sweep) of the trace will
Time (seconds)
spread across the entire screen.
(3) Armed-strobe operation. In this mode the armed multivibrator blocks all triggers to the delayed sweep circuit until
c. Pulse Width Measurements Using Scale Divisions.
after the selected delay time is over. After the selected delay, the first trigger applied will fire the delayed sweep. To operate
(1) Set the TIME/DIV vernier control to CAL.
in the armed strobe mode:
(2) Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to TRIG-STROBE.
(a) Display the entire waveform with the normal sweep (b above).
(3) Pull out the DELAYED SWEEP-PULL TO UNLOCK switch and rotate it and the DELAY VERNIER control until the
(b) Set the DISP LAY LOGIC switch to ARM-STROBE.
(c) Pull the DELAYED SWEEP-PULL TO UNLOCK switch and set it for the desired length of the brightened
(4) Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to TRIG-DLY'D.
(5) Measure the horizontal distance in graticule divisions from the 50 percent point on the leading edge of the pulse
(d) Operate the delayed sweep trigger SLOPE switch and LEVEL control to select the trigger point for the
(rise of the pulse) to the 50 percent point on the trailing edge of the pulse (fall of the pulse) as shown in figure 2-3B.
brightened portion. Since this is an armed mode of operation for the delayed sweep, the brightened portion will move from
(6) Multiply the horizontal distance found in step (5) by the setting of the DELAYED SWEEP-PULL TO UNLOCK
one trigger point to the next as the DELAY VERNIER control is rotated.
switch to obtain the width of the pulse.
(4) Armed-delayed operation. When the DISPLAY LOGIC switch is set to ARM-DLY'D, the brightened section of the
d. Pulse Width Measurements 'sing the DELAY VERNIER Control.
display is expanded to full screen. The magnification ratio is computed exactly as described in (2) above. To operate in the
(1) Set the TIME/DIV vernier control to CAL.
armed-delayed mode:
(a) Display the entire waveform with the normal sweep (b above).
(b) Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to ARM-STROBE, and set up the delayed sweep controls for armed-strobe
operation (3) above.
(c) Pull the DELAYED SWEEP-PULL TO UNLOCK switch and set it for the desired length of the brightened
(d) Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to ARM-DLY'D. The brightened portion (delayed sweep) of the trace will
spread across the entire screen.
e. Horizontal Amplifier Operation. To use the delaying sweep plug-in as a horizontal amplifier (example-amplifying an
external sweep), apply a signal to the EXT TRIG X AMP connector. Set the coupling switch in accordance with the signal
frequency (AC or DC), the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to X AMP, and adjust the X AMP ATTN control as desired. For additional
horizontal gain, pull the PULL X10 (POSITION) control out.
2-11. Voltage Measurements (Peak-To-Peak Voltages)
a. To
measure the voltage between any two points on
the displayed waveform, set the NORM-INVERT (AC-DC-GND)
switch to AC. In this position the input signal is displayed on the screen without its dc component. However, if the frequency
of the input signal is less than 10 (16) cps, set the NORM-IN-VERT switch to DC to avoid errors.
b. To measure the peak-to-peak voltage of the displayed waveform:
(1) Measure the vertical deflection in graticule divisions from the positive peak to the negative peak of the displayed
(2) Multiply the vertical dimension found in step (1) by the setting on the VOLTS/DIV switch to obtain the indicated
(3) If a probe is also being used, multiply the indicated voltage found in step (2) by the probe's attenuation factor to
obtain the peak-to-peak voltage.
Figure 2-3. Pulse width measurements using
2-12. Time Measurements
scale divisions.
a. Time Measurements Using Scale Divisions.