TM 9-6625-1753-14
7-1. General
Commanders are responsible for insuring that all materiel issued or assigned to their command is maintained in a
serviceable condition and properly cared for, and that personnel under their command comply with technical instructions.
Lack of time, lack of trained personnel, or lack of proper tools may result in a unit being incapable of performing maintenance
for which it is responsible. In such cases, unit commanders, with the approval of major commanders, may place materiel that
is beyond the maintenance capability of the unit into administrative storage, or return it to the supply agency. When preparing
the oscilloscope for administrative storage or shipment, the unit commander will be responsible for processing the materiel,
including all basic issue items, in such a manner as to protect them against corrosion, deterioration, and physical damage
during shipment or during periods of administrative storage. Personnel normally assigned to operate the oscilloscope may
assist, as required, in preparing the oscilloscope for administrative storage or shipment.
7-2. Transportation Data
The physical characteristics of the oscilloscope are as follows:
Length............................................... 23 in.
Width ................................................ 17 3/4 in.
Height ............................................... 8 1/4 in.
Weight .............................................. 41 lbs.
a. General. The exact procedure for packaging depends on the material available and the conditions under which the
equipment is to be shipped. Use the original packaging materials if they are available, but don't use the old desiccant or
humidity indicator. Adapt the procedures outlined below whenever circumstances permit.
b. Materials. The following materials are required for packaging the oscilloscope:
(1) Paper, wrapping, MIL-C-17667
(2) Cushioning material PPP-C-843
(3) Box, fiberboard, PPP-B-636
(5) Tape, masking, PPP-T-76
(6) Indicator, humidity, MS-20003-2
(7) Barrier material MIL-B-131
(8) Cushioning material MIL-C-7769
(9) Wooden box
For stock numbers of materials, consult SB 38-100.
Note. Prior to packaging the oscilloscope, verify that the delaying sweep plug-in assembly and dual trace plug-in
assembly are secured to the main frame by their respective locking screws.
Figure 7-1. Oscilloscope packaging.
c. Packaging.
(7) Place the boxed oscilloscope in barrier material MIL-B-131, Class 1 (8). Exhaust the air from the package and
(1) Wrap the oscilloscope in paper MIL-C-17667 (1), and secure it with tape PPP-T-76.
heat-seal it. Identify the contents by stenciling the name and Federal stock number on the box. Apply a method II
(2) Overwrap the oscilloscope with cushioning material PPP-C-813 (2) and secure it with strips of tape.
label (TM 38-230) (9).
(3) Place the wrapped oscilloscope in a fiberboar d box PPP-B-636 (3). Fill any voids in the box with wads of
(8) Place the bagged oscilloscope in a fiber-board box PPP-B-636 (10). Place sufficient cushioning material MIL-C-
cushioning material PPP-C-843 (4).
7769 (11) at the top, bottom, sides, and ends of the box to insure a snug fit.
(4) Distribute bags of desiccant MIL-D-34164 (5) (54 units) throughout the box.
(9) Close the box, and seal both top and bottom flap seams with tape. Apply identification and Method II labels (9).
(5) Place the technical manuals in a fabricated envelope, sealed with tape, on top of the box (6).
(6) Close the box, and seal the top and bottom flap seams with tape. At one end, secure humidity indicator (card)
MS-20003-2 (7) to the box with strips of tape. Blunt the corners of the box.