a. Requirement-Dial accuracy within (2 MHz + 1%
of dial reading), sensitivity within the specified limits listed in
Cable losses for frequencies of 10 GHz and higher
Table 5-7. Phase lock must operate
through all frequency
became significant and must be added for correct
sensitivity measurements. Refer to Fig. 6-45 for
insertion loss of a 6 foot cable.
b. Apply a frequency and amplitude calibrated signal be-
tween -60 dBm and -30 dBm, to the RF INPUT connector
h. Center the IF CENTER FREQ controls and the FINE
listed in the Table 5-7. Switch the Type 491 Band Selector
RF CENTER FREQ control, then tune the signal to the center
to the appropriate band.
of the screen with the RF CENTER FREQUENCY control.
(Horizontal sweep must be centered.)
c. Set the DISPERSION to 500 kHz/div and the RESO-
LUTION control for a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz
i. Check the dial accuracy as listed in Table 5-7, Must
(fully clockwise).
equal or exceed (2 MHz + 1% of the dial reading).
d. Adjust the GAIN control for an average noise amplitude
j. As the dial accuracy is checked, depress the LOCK
of one division. Center the IF CENTER FREQ and FINE RF
CHECK button and check for phase lock beats. Check for
CENTER FREQ controls.
a phase lock operation at the center and extreme frequency
position for each scale. Dial accuracy need only be checked
e. Tune the signal on screen with the RF CENTER FRE-
for scales 1, 2 and 4. The remaining scales are harmonic
QUENCY control. Reduce the signal amplitude with the
settings of these fundamental frequency ranges,
signal generator output attenuator control for an on-screen
display, then adjust the MIXER PEAKING control and sweep
k. Check phase lock operation with an external reference
rate for optimum amplitude. (Sweep rate approximately
frequency as follows:
5 ms/div,)
1) Apply a 1 V peak to peak, 1 MHz signal, from the
Constant Amplitude Signal Generatar (Type 191)" to the REF
FREQ IN connector, Use a BNC T connector to apply the
input signal to the Type 491 to provide a convenient moni-
level must be measured at the REF FREQ IN connector.
Turn the INT REF FREQ control to the OFF or EXT REF FREQ
IN position,
2) Center the FINE RF CENTER FREQ control. Depress the
LOCK CHECK button and adjust the RF CENTER FREQ control
until a beat frequency is displayed.
3) Adjust the FINE RF CENTER FREQ control for a LO
lock or until the beat reduces to zero (zero beat).
4) Repeat the above procedure with a 5 MHz signal from
the signal generator.
(5) Increase the input signal amplitude to 5 V peak to peak
and repeat the check with the increased signal amplitude
at 5 MHz and 1 MHz.
24B. Alternate Procedure to Check Dial Accu-
a. Apply 100 MHz (10 ns) markers from the Time-Mark
Fig. 5-7. Signal to
noise ratio for measuring sensitivity.
Generator through a coaxial cable, BNC to GR adapter,
f. Calibrate the signal generator output then adjust the
MHz Trap (calibration fixture 067-0595-00), GR to N type
variable output attenuator control on the signal generator,
adapter, and the 20 dB RF attenuator (011-0086-00), to the
until the signal amplitude is two divisions (twice the noise
band B RF INPUT.
b, Switch the band selector to B. Set the DISPERSION
g. Check the total signal attenuation (in dB) below 0 dBm
RANGE to MHz/DIV, and the DISPERSION to 2 MHz/div.
as indicated on the signal generator attenuator dial. This
Switch the VERTICAL DISPLAY selector to LOG.
is the sensitivity of the analyzer for the RF center frequency
c. Check dial accuracy for band B as follows:
indicated. Check as listed in Table 5-7 under 100 kHz resolu-
tion. Sensitivity can also be checked for 1 kHz resolution;
1) Tune the RF CENTER FREQUENCY through the band.
however, a very stable signal source is required at higher
Observe the 100 MHz harmonics and their image spurii travel