B. Set the band selector to B and set the DISPERSION to
1) Set the front panel controls as follows:
10 MHz/div.
10 MHz
5 MHz/div
20 dB
5 ms
Band Selector
2) Apply the output signal from a signal generator
within the frequency range of band A, to the band A
RF INPUT connector.
3) Set the generator frequency and the RF center fre-
6) Check display flatness as per Table 6-8. 3 dB maxi-
quency to the frequencies that are listed in Table 6-7.
mum amplitude variation over 100 MHz window (50 MHz
Adjust the signal generator output attenuator and the
from RF center frequency). Maximum signal amplitude
Type 491 GAIN control for a signal amplitude of 6 divi-
with the MIXER PEAKING control before measuring flat-
4) Check band A display flatness by tuning the signal
7) Remove the signal from band B INPUT and apply
from the display screen left edge to the right edge with
the output from signal generators, that cover scales 4
the RF CENTER FREQUENCY control. (Frequency range +
through 6 frequency range, to band C Coaxial Mixer.
and -25 MHz of the RF center frequency.) Signal ampli-
8) Check response flatness through the frequency range
tude should not change more than 1.5 dB from its
of the Coaxial Mixer. Maximum amplitude variation over
average amplitude or 3 dB total.
100 MHz dispersion window must not exceed 3 dB. Adjust
MIXER PEAKING for maximum signal amplitude before
measuring flatness.
Applied Signal
RF Center
9) Replace the Coaxial Mixer with the Waveguide Mixer
Generator Freq.
35 MHz
10 MHz-60 MHz
10) Apply the output from o signal generator, within
75 MHz
50 MHz-100 MHz
the frequency range of scale 8 and 9 through one of the
125 MHz
100 MHz-150 MHz
Waveguide Mixers and the 2 foot cable (with the BNC
175 MHz
150 MHz-200 MHz
connectors) to band C Waveguide Adapter.
225 MHz
200 MHz-250 MHz
11) Check response flatness for the frequency range
275 MHz
250 MHz-275 MHz
above 12.4 GHz. Maximum amplitude variation over 100
MHz dispersion window must not exceed 6 dB. Adjust
Mixer PEAKING for maximum signal amplitude before
5) Remove the signal to band A, RF INPUT and apply
measuring flatness.
a signal within the frequency range of band B to RF INPUT