TM 11-6625-255-14/TO 33A1-13-170-1
Figure 7-3. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723A/U chassis, bottom view, location of parts,
required for troubleshooting, maintenance, and
repair of the spectrum analyzer, along with the
(1) Visual inspection. The purpose of visual
appropriate maintenance category, consult the
inspection is to locate faults without testing or
maintenance allocation chart, appendix B of this
measuring circuits. All meter readings or other
visual signs should be observed and an attempt
76. Organization of Troubleshooting Pro-
made to localize the fault to a particular stage.
(2) Operational tests. The operational tests
a. General. The first step in servicing a defec-
given in chapter 3 may indicate the general loca-
tive spectrum analyzer is to localize the fault,
tion of trouble and, in many instances, will help in
which means tracing the fault to a defective stage
d e t e r m i n i n g the exact nature of the fault.
or circuit. The second step is isolation, which
(3) Localization. The procedures listed in the
means locating a defective part or parts. Some
t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g table are used in localizing
defective parts, such as burned resistors and
trouble to a particular stage. The table lists
symptoms of common troubles and gives (or ref-
a r c i n g or shorted rectifiers, can be located by
sight, smell, or hearing; however, most defective
erences) corrective measures. Such a table ob-
p a r t s must be located by checking voltage and
viously cannot include all symptoms that may
occur. The repairman should use the table as a
b. Localization and Isolation. Listed below is a
guide in analyzing symptoms that may not be
group of tests organized to reduce unnecessary
work and aid in tracing a trouble to a specific
(4) I s o l a t i o n . P r o c e d u r e s f o r i s o l a t i n g
component. Follow the procedure in the sequence