TM 11-662525514/TO 33A1131701
Figure 7-4. Spectrum Analyzer TS-723B/U chassis, bottom view, location of parts.
78. Localizing Trouble
(5) Techniques. Applicable techniques are
a. General. Procedures for localizing trouble
( 6 ) Intermittent troubles. In all the tests,
are given in table 7-4 below. Parts locations are
the possibility of intermittent trouble should not
be overlooked. This type of trouble, if present,
schematic diagram of B + voltage distribution is
m a y often be made to appear by tapping or
j a r r i n g the equipment.
D e p e n d i n g upon the nature of the operational
7-7. Troubleshooting Setup
symptoms, one or more of the localizing proce-
The spectrum analyzer must be connected to a
dures will be necessary. When trouble has been
115- or 230-volt ac source and to test equipments
l o c a l i z e d to a particular stage, use voltage and
which vary from test to test. Remove the top and
r e s i s t a n c e measurements to isolate the trouble.
b o t t o m dust covers and connect the audiofre-
If operational symptoms are not known,