TM 11-6625-255-14/TO 33A1-13-170-1
Table 7-4. Troubleshooting Chart
Corrective action
Probable Cause
a. Replace lamp.
a. Defective lamp I1 (DS2).
1. Line cord connected to power source,
b. Replace blown fuse with spare fuse.
b. Blown fuse F1.
and ac power switch is ON. Dial
Fuse F1 should be 1.6 ampere for
lamp does not light.
115-volt operation, and 0.8 ampere
for 230-volt operation.
strapped for line voltage being
d. 115V-230V ac changeover switch
d. Set switch to correct position.
(TS-723C/U and TS-723D/U)
set to wrong position.
a. Replace blown fuse. If fuse blows
2. Function switch S4 is set to METER.
a. Fuse F2 in power supply is blown.
again, check C17, C37, and C18,
Check V7,
several volts at 1,000 Hz, is con-
b. Check tubes and replace defective
b. Defective V8, V9, V10, V11, V12,
nected to METER binding posts.
V13, or V14.
Spectrum analyzer meter does not
Check contacts of switch S4.
c. Defective switch S4.
show response:
d. Defective component in power sup-
replace defective component.
ply or vtvm circuit.
Check C31 and replace if defective,
a. Defective C31.
3. Function switch S4 is set to METER.
b. Defective V14 or solid-state recti-
replace if defective.
fier CR1 or CR2.
several volts at 1,000 Hz, is con-
e. Check M1; replace if defective.
c. Defective meter M1.
nected to METER binding posts.
shows 1,000 Hz output but indica-
tion is 0 or very low.
a. Check tubes and replace defective
a. Defective V2, V3, V4, V5, or V6.
4. Function switch S4 is set to NOISE.
AF-RF selector switch S2 is set to
b. Check switch contacts. Replace de-
AF (TS-723A/U) Af oscillator,
b. Defective contacts on S2, S4, or S6
fective switch if trouble is not cor-
if no reading is obtained.
adjusted for 0.8 volt and 1,000 Hz,
rected by cleaning contacts.
is c o n n e c t e d to AF INPUT
binding posts. Signal INPUT con-
trol R4 is set to MAX. Meter
In the TS-723A/U, switch S6
range switch S6 is set to 100
must be replaced as an assembly
R.M.S. VOLTS. Meter M1 indi-
including R58, R88, and C25, In
cates significantly lower than 1
all other models, R58 and R88
volt or there is no meter indica-
and R92 through R98. Capacitor
C25 is not included on the S6
switch assembly,
c. SET LEVEL GAIN control R38
not properly adjusted.
d. NOISE GAIN control R5 not prop-
erly adjusted.
e. Defective component in preampli-
fier or bridge amplifier circuits.
Defective contacts on S4.
Check contacts of S4; replace if nec-
5. Function switch S4 is set to SET
LEVEL. AF-RF selector switch
S2 is set to AF (A model only).
Af oscillator, adjusted for 0.8
volt and 1,000 Hz, is connected
to AF lNPUT binding posts.
Signal INPUT control R4 is set
to MAX. Meter range switch S6
is set to 10 R.M.S. VOLTS. Meter
M1 indicates significantly lower
than 1 volt, or there is no meter
79. Isolating Trouble Within Stage
technique to isolate the defective part.
a. Test the tube involved using either the rec-
After the trouble has been localized to a stage
with the troubleshooting table, use the following
ommended test set or the standard tube substitu-