voltage is too high it will produce a display similar to an
c. Check--The amplitude of the SAW OUT signal, should
amplitude modulated signal, with sidebands 100 kHz to 180
measure between 70 and 90 mV.
kHz from the IF feedthrough signal. If this type of display is
present reduce the RF amplitude voltage to eliminate the
side bands.
o. Equipment setup is given in step 16.
g. Return the DISPERSION RANGE and DISPERSION selec-
tors to the 10 MHz/div positions. Switch the VERTICAL DIS-
PLAY selector to LIN. Remove the probe from pin P of the
pin K of the Horizontal Display circuit board.
honeycomb connector.
c. Check unblinking waveform. Amplitude should mea-
sure between 8.0 V and 9.0 V, typically 9.0 V (see Fig. 6-16).
d. Remove the 1 p r o b e .
a. Test equipment setup is given in step 18.
Sweep Circuit
18. Adjust RF Amplitude
b. Set the TIME/DIV selector to 20 ms. Apply a calibrated
of 10 ns sine wave) through a 20 dB attenuator to band B
RF INPUT connector. Switch the RF INPUT selector to band
B. Set the TIME/DIV to 20 ms.
c. Adjust the GAIN control for a displayed IF signal ampli-
tude of 6 divisions. Tune the RF CENTER FREQUENCY control
d. Establish zero volt reference level on the test oscillo-
scope by connecting the probe to chassis ground on the Type
491, then connect the probe to pin P of the square pin con-
The IF CENTER FREQ controls and the IF CENTER
FREQ-CAL adjustment must be centered (000).
b. Adjust the Center Freq Range R251 (Fig. 6-18) for mini-
mum IF signal shift as the DISPERSION selector is rotated
through the 10 MHz to the .2 MHz positions. The DISPER-
SION RANGE switch must be in the MHz/DIV position for
this adjustment.
c. Return the DISPERSION selector to the 10 MHz position.
20. Adjust Sweep Center
Fig. 6-17. Location of pin P on the honeycomb
square pin con-
a. Equipment setup is given in step 19.
b. Adjust the Horizontal POSITION control to center the
sweep. ( of a division sweep extension from either end
e. Adjust the RF Ampl R290 (see Fig. 6-18) for --0.85 volts
of the graticule.)
c. Adjust the Sweep Center R203 (Fig. 6-18) to position
f. Switch the VERTICAL DISPLAY switch to LOG position
the 200 MHz signal at the graticule center horizontal line.
and check the display with 100 kHz dispersion. If the RF Ampl