TM 11-6625-2781-14&P-2
Section VIII
Replace pointer in slot.
1. Remove top cover.
Replace gearbox screws.
a. Disconnect coax cable from bracket on gear
Turn shaft fully cw.
Loosen fixing screw at opposite end of string
b. Tune to low end of scale.
and adjust string tension so that pointer is
c. Remove front panel a ssembly from side
stretched 3/16" when string is on pulleys.
j. Reassemble, using reverse procedure in 1.
d. Remove scale assembly.
3. To replace string on left side of pointer:
e. Remove tuning knobs.
a. Remove pointer from slot and remove old
f. Remove 3 screws which hold gearbox to
panel assembly.
b. Tie approximately 12" of dial string (use
g. Remove left pully at left end of pointer slot.
double knot) to the pointer spring and replace
2. To replace string on right side of pointer:
pointer in slot.
a. Remove pointer from slot, detach old string.
c. Replace gearbox screws.
b. Access to fixed end of string is through the
hole in the front gearbox plate. Line up dial
d. Turn shaft fully cw.
drum with this hole so that old string may be
f. Wrap string around dial drum, and tie under
screwhead, while maintaining about 3/16"
c. Pass a new piece of dial string (about 15-
stretch on pointer spring.
1/2") through the hole and double knot the
g. Reassemble, using reverse of procedure in 1.
fixed end. Clip off excess string and draw the
knot into the hole.
d. Reset the tuning shaft fully ccw.
gear on the tuning pot shaft.
e. Pass the free end of the. string into the right
end of the pointer slot. Tie it to the pointer
spring where it is attached to the pointer.
Figure 8-13. Dial Restringing Procedure